Most survivalist have at least one Bug-out bag in case they have to leave in a hurry, but what happens if a survival scenario demands that you stay put in your home?
Would your bug-out bag suddenly become useless? Would you have the things needed to survive?
It is always a good idea to be prepared for any scenario, and that’s why a bug-in bag is just as important as a bug out bag. The equipment needed to complete your bug in bag varies just slightly from the equipment in your standard bug out bag.
Iodine tablets
One of the only scenarios where you may find yourself confined to your home or “sheltering in place” is during a nuclear crisis. The major threat following a nuclear event is the radiation, and your best defense against radiation outside, is to stay, inside. If you are exposed to radiation, it is always a good idea to have some iodine around. Iodine has many uses including antiseptic properties, but it can save your life following a nuclear event. Put some in your bug in bag, and you’ll be prepared if a horrific day like that comes.
Gas mask
This may seem a bit extreme to some preppers out there, but if you have to understand that a chemical or biological attack is a high impact low frequency event. Being prepared is all about having the correct tools available to you IF a high impact low frequency event should occur. Having a gas mask available for everyone in the family is a must when it comes to a bug-in bag. It could save you and your family’s lives in the event of a biological or chemical attack.
Duct Tape
Many people fail to realize that in order to be safe in the event of a biological, nuclear, or chemical attack you need to totally seal off your home. That means the windows frames, doors, and anything else that will allow massive amounts of air in from the outside. By sealing off the doorways and windows with duct tape you are hoping to ensure that no contaminates make it into your breathing space. Many scientists believe that sealing the doorways and windows is a fruitless venture in the event of a chemical, biological, or nuclear attack, but others have arose to refute their claims. Either way, keep a few rolls of duct tape in your bug-in bag; you can always use it for something.
Adequate food
Having enough food to last you and your family in the case of a shelter in place event is vital to your survival. This should be food be non-perishable. In the event of a disaster, you will have no way of keeping your food frozen or even cold. Focus on Meals ready to eat and canned goods that don’t require any cooking to be safe.
Water purifier
If you find yourself in a shelter in place disaster scenario a water purifier is a must, unless you want to be boiling your water for hours on end. You have a couple options when it comes to water purification in a post disaster setting. You can either purchase water tablets that purify water for you or a basic filter that fits on the end of the spout. The filters are much easier to use than the tablets, but they are a little bit more expensive.
Moral of the story is that it’s time to get a BUG-IN Bag together if you do not already have one. I’m sure, like every other prepper you see yourself hiding out in the wilderness after a disaster event, but realistically you may be stuck in your home. Having the adequate supplies to last out a disaster manmade or otherwise is critical to you and your family’s survival.